When I am traveling anywhere I always like to research the restaurants in the city or area I am visiting. Tripadvisor.com is always good but sometimes I want higher end restaurants with more range in different kinds of cuisines. Two staple sites I visit are Eater.com and when on the site, you can search for a city or area. You can also search for a specific cuisine or specific mealtime, best brunch spots in Boston or as my search above, Best Restaurants in London.
BibGourmand.com is another favorite site. It is not as extensive as Eater or Tripadvisor, but it will always lead you to good restaurants. You can always search out special places as well on their sister site, Michelin.com.
I always find restaurants and then check their rating on Tripadvisor. I have never had an issue and was just in Montreal and Quebec with a friend and we dined at many local restaurants that were amazing. The people at these restaurants could’t believe we were dining there since they were very local spots with exceptional food.
My friends always put me in charge of finding restaurants. I love the research and love finding all kinds of different places. Variety is the spice of life when it comes to dining out. I am taking my daughter to Vancouver, to see Taylor Swift and we are eating at totally different restaurants. One night we are eating Chinese, 1 night we are eating Middle Eastern and 1 night we are eating French. I like to expose my children to different cuisines. They really love world cuisines and enjoy Asian, Indian, Greek, Middle Eastern, Mexican, Italian, Spanish, English/Scottish, and of coarse all the different cuisines of the United States. They love foods with flavor and trying new things. They do draw the line at intestines, brains, balls, and frog legs. I would have to agree.
When in a new city, we do enjoy taking a local food tour. When my daughter and I were in Stockholm. We did a food tour and tasted: pickled herring, moose salami, bear sausage, and salted licorice to name a few. Not everything was fantastic, but it was fun and it was a great experience.
Good luck and broaden your horizons and try something new. I like to have a mix of places from a pub lunch to a Michelin Star experience. It makes the trip more of an adventure and I love trying new foods and love seeing the way foods are plated. I take notes all the time.